What Window Rebates Are Available, and How Do the Windows Qualify

What Are the Window Rebates?

Window rebates are your ticket to the market for renos with high-efficiency products. These are funds set aside by our government to incentivize you to make long-term energy decisions about your home. Canada has committed funding to a greener future. When making decisions about your home cost is often a primary factor in making decisions. Our government wants to make the choice to be more energy efficient much easier. They are doing that by paying you to purchase qualified products from specialist installers. Rebates reimburse the expected difference between normal windows and high-efficiency windows.

Who Pays for Greener Energy?

Technically: you and I do. The savings that are available in British Columbia come from two sources:

Provincial Rebates – BC Hydro Rebates

The Provincial government provides rebates through the cleanBC program. This program is a joint effort between BC Hydro, FortisBC, and the Provincial and Federal governments. The stated aim is to reduce our energy usage in our homes. They want to pay you to save money on your bills. That’s a double-good deal!

You can read more here: https://betterhomesbc.ca/

Federal Grants – Canada Greener Homes Grant

The Canada Greener Homes Grant program is offered by Natural Resources Canada (AKA: NRCan). NRCan regulates the energy industry and ensures that windows, doors, and more meet rigorous standards. These guys keep our industry honest and competitive by setting the minimum standards. It is NRCan’s mission to have Canada maximize the worth of our natural resources. We share the belief that high-efficiency windows are the future. They are willing to bet on it.

See what they have to say here: https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy-efficiency/homes/canada-greener-homes-grant/23441

Why Should I Buy High-Efficiency Windows?

Use Green Energy, Lower Utility Costs

Windows are historically the weakest link in your building’s insulation layer. That means that on your home, a large portion of the money you spend on heating and cooling literally goes out the window. New windows which are funded by these programs allow us to plug those holes and make your home better sealed. BC will pay you to use green energy technology.

Get Paid to Improve Your Investment

Windows are an investment in your present and your future. The improved insulation and seal that the window provides equates to a better the long-term value. Buyers often consider updated warranties, modern aesthetics, and energy conscious decisions that you make now. Windows are sexy; they are sleek; they are more affordable than ever. Trust me: you can’t buy a house without them.

If I have convinced you already, click here to start the quote process:

Applying For Window Rebates

Application to these reimbursement programs involves some bureaucracy but it is made easy for the consumer.

The provincial program only requires that your house qualifies, the products qualify, and the installers are certified. If you tick all of those boxes with your purchase, congratulations! You have earned your window rebate. You just need to fill out an online form to complete the application.

**editor’s note: If you are a BCHydro customer please use this tool to confirm your eligibility: https://app.bchydro.com/Hero/eligibility/

The Canada Greener Homes Grant has a few more steps to ensure that you are getting the best value for your money. The first step is having your home undergo an energy evaluation. There are many companies who can provide this regulated service. They will provide you with an energy report for your home which details exactly how energy is used and lost in your home. They will then recommend a number of different products tailored to your situation. In our experience, windows are nearly always recommended.

See this page to find an evaluator near you: https://oee.nrcan.gc.ca/residential/personal/home-improvement/service/contact-advisors.cfm

Multiple people are gathered around a table looking at and pointing at a fruit-branded laptop. The subtext to this image is that they are looking at their Energy Report that qualifies them for their BC Energy Efficient Rebate Windows Window Rebate.
Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Next, we install the high-efficiency windows in your home and provide you will all the details you will need to process your application. Afterwards, another evaluation is required to be completed by the same company that provided your initial energy evaluation. They will again provide you with an energy report that will detail exactly how the installed upgrades have improved your quality of life. Congratulations! It’s now time for paperwork! Now, you must complete an online form to claim the grant.

Government Rebates for Windows can Total Up To $7000

The cleanBC program offers up to $2000 and the federal program offers up to $5000. We combine the two programs for a total of $7000. Here are two tables which breakdown the savings:


Upgrade (Insulation Rating)Rebate Available
U-Factor 1.40 – 1.23 (W/m2-K)$50 per Window
U-Factor 1.22 (W/m2-K) or less$100 per Window
*Unfortunately, The City of Vancouver is exempted from Provincial Rebates ** Tier-1 Rebates are being DISCONTINUED in October 2022


Upgrade (Insulation Rating)Rebate Available
U-Factor 1.22 – 1.06 (W/m2-K)$125 per Window
U-Factor 1.05 (W/m2-K) or less$250 per Window

How Long Does this Take?

The answer is: maximum six months. Once you have started the process of qualifying your home for the green energy rebates the clock starts ticking. Therefore, before that six month timer elapses you must have completed your online applications. Once the applications are submitted it takes 2 weeks to a month for the cheque to arrive. The provincial program starts counting after the install, but you might as well do both forms at once, right?

A-1 Windows Get You Your Window Rebates

Our excellent sales consultants are knowledgeable and experienced with these processes. You can find us in southern Burnaby. Our local, in-house installation teams assure you that you won’t be dealing with anyone but A-1 Windows. We are very experienced at qualifying our customers for their BC Hydro and Federal window rebates.

Our showroom is open for visits and we have sales consultants on-site to demonstrate all of our products and features. We can answer any questions you have about your windows today.


Do All Windows Qualify?

As long as the windows meet the insulation ratings required then the windows will qualify. That said, only triple-glazed windows will qualify for the full $7000 of reimbursement. The important issue is whether your house qualifies. Usually if you have lived in that house as your primary resident for over a year you will qualify.

Can Bathroom Windows Qualify?

Absolutely they do! As long as the requirements for energy ratings are met, the windows with safety glass and obscure glass will qualify for the window rebates.

Are Window Upgrades My Best Option for Energy Efficiency?

In the vast majority of cases windows are the primary method of heat exchange with the exterior. The inspection for the federal program will highlight the exact best course of action. Even then, in our experience, rarely is there something more beneficial to upgrade than your windows.

How Do I Know How Efficient Your Windows Are?

Don’t take our word. Trust the third-party verifiers and testers that NRCan requires us to use. For our testing we use QAI one of Canada’s top independent testing laboratories. Energy Star, an international body, indicates that we produce windows with the coveted “Most Efficient” label. Industry regulators, and our customers, have every faith in our windows.

Do New Homes Qualify for Rebates?

In general, no they do not. If by “new” you mean that you have only been living in it for just over a year? Then it may qualify.